Wednesday 20 June 2012

Small Scale Business Tips To Kerala-Poultry Farm

A Broiler Farm Feasibility Case Study

Poultry farms are farms that raise chickens, ducks, turkeys, and other birds for meat or egg
production. In the past, poultry farming involved raising chickens in the back yard for daily egg
production and family consumption. However, poultry farming today is a huge business that is
split into several operations including hatcheries, pullet farms for meat production, or farms for
egg production. This paper will focus on poultry farms raising chicken.
Chickens originated from Jungle Fowl in South Eastern Asia around 3200 BC (Dr. M.
Farran, personal communication, 2009). Chickens were domesticated and spread to China, India,
Africa, Pacific Island, and Europe. The main use  of chickens has never changed. They were
primarily raised for human food. In addition, their feathers were used for making cushions, litter
for fertilizers and, in some societies, chickens were used in cock fighting as a source of

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As the human population increases, the poultry  industry continues to grow to meet the
demand for poultry products in world markets. The importance of poultry farms lies in the
quality of products that are provided to humans. Broiler farms provide meat that supplies the
human body with high quality proteins. Layer farms provide eggs rich in proteins and vitamins,
especially the fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K). Poultry farms are fast-paced operations that
can fulfill the demand for meat and eggs, and can be expanded easily to meet the ever-growing
demand (Dr. M. Farran, personal communication, 2009). 2
Chickens are fast growing animals. In the  past, it took about 4 months to produce a twokilogram chicken. However, today a two-kilogram chicken can be produced in 42 days (Dr. M.
Farran, personal communication, 2009).  Due to this fact, a better understanding of husbandry
practices, and use of new technologies, poultry farms can be profitable enterprises.
Each operation in the poultry business has become a huge business by itself. Some farms
specialize in producing eggs for market consumption, or for hatching chicks for the purpose of
meat production. Many large farms specialize in  raising broilers for  meat production. Other
businesses are focused on feed preparation or on using the wastes of poultry farms for compost
production and fertilizing farmlands. If managed and marketed well, all segments of the poultry
business can be profitable.

This study will examine the feasibility of broiler producing farms in Lebanon.
A rental farm will be used as a representative case study for other poultry producers.
Sensitivity analysis will be used to determine potential profitability when input costs and point of
sale values are varied.

Literature Review

Poultry farms can be classified into two main types: farms for egg production and farms for
meat production.

Egg Production

In egg-producing farms, day-old chicks are  purchased from specialized hatcheries that
produce egg-producing pullets. These pullets are either raised by the egg producer or a pullet
grower until they are ready to start laying eggs, which is usually at 19 weeks of age (Beutler,
The egg production cycle lasts for about one year. The pullets and laying hens are raised
mainly in environmentally controlled poultry houses in cage systems. To make the maintenance
process easier, automated feeding, watering, and egg collection systems were developed. Feed
and water are moved on rotating belts which pass by the cages. Another rotating belt collects the
eggs and sends them to the sorting chamber to be tested for fertility, graded, and sorted according
to size, making them ready for delivery to the market (Dr. M. Farran, personal communication,
Laying hens in egg producing farms are usually of small body frame and body weight
compared to broilers. They can be classified into two groups: dual purpose chickens or egg
producing chickens. Egg producing chicken breeds have been bred and raised for maximum egg
production (up to 300 eggs per year) rather than high meat yield (Beutler, 2007). Dual purpose
chickens are smaller in size than commercial meat breeds. They are used for meat as well as egg
production, and can produce around 200 to 250 eggs per year  (Dr. M. Farran, personal
communication, 2009). 4
There have been several developments to increase the marketing value of eggs. These
developments include omega-3 eggs, folate and  lutein enriched eggs, as well as free run and
organic eggs. These specialty eggs increase the value of eggs, and have caused a noticeable
change in the market (Dr. M. Farran, personal communication, 2009).

Meat Production

In poultry farms focused on meat production,  broiler breeders are raised mainly in
environmentally controlled poultry houses. Fertile eggs are collected and transported to the
hatchery, where they are placed in hatcheries for 18 days and then transferred to incubators in the
last 3 days (Beutler, 2007). After hatching, broiler chicks are distributed to producers who grow
out the birds, and send them for slaughtering and processing after 42 days. These broilers are
chickens that are raised for the purpose of meat production and have a larger body frame and
weight than layers (Beutler, 2007).
Approvals and Construction of Poultry Farms
Prior to the construction of a poultry farm, initial approvals from the appropriate planning
department must be obtained. These approvals usually take into consideration the environmental
aspects of poultry farming including avoiding  or minimizing visual views, noise, odor, and
wastes. When constructing a poultry farm, future plans should be taken into consideration. For
example, after the operation starts, waste material will be generated. Construction planning
should include plans for an isolated area to dispose the waste material without causing any health
or environmental risks, including risks to water resources, until some specialized company for
compost production collects the wastes (Wood et al., 1998). 5
Due to the type of business and growth potential, poultry farms should be constructed in a
manner that allows for future expansion. This should include plans for expansion of feed storage
areas, drainage, and effluent (Wood et al., 1998).
Facilities on a Poultry farm
Facilities on poultry farms are related to the purpose of the farm. In general, all poultry farms
share common facilities and equipment such as feeders and drinkers. However, depending on the
purpose of the farm, some facilities vary. For  instance, some meat production farms include
slaughter house facilities. The purpose of having these slaughtering facilities on a broiler farm is
to minimize cost and increase  profits through vertical integration. Egg production farms are
equipped with nest boxes if the breeders are raised on the floor, or, if raised in cages, automated
belt systems are installed for collection of eggs. Hatcheries are  equipped with incubators that
maintain the eggs for 18 days and hatchers that keep the eggs for 3 days, both maintained at the
right temperature and humidity required for hatching (Wood et al., 1998).
Waste Handling
Wastes are produced in all types of poultry operations. After poultry houses are cleaned and
sanitized, the wastes should be confined in one area for later removal by specialized companies
for composting or proper disposal to avoid contaminating the environment. This confinement
area can be used for all types of wastes including litter from most poultry farms and un-hatched
eggs from hatcheries (Wood et al., 1998).
Poultry litter can also be considered to be a by-product with economic potential. At the end
of a production cycle in a broiler or egg-production operation, litter is removed mechanically
from the poultry house, and can be used as fertilizers for crop production. Litter can also be 6
removed and sold to commercial processors for composting operations or nursery preparations. It
can also be composted on the farm in a confined area, and then applied to farm lands.
Management of Poultry Farms

Feed costs have a major impact on the profitability of poultry farm operations. The high cost
of feed is related to the energy and protein contents of the diet. In an unbalanced diet, with an
excess protein, feed would cost more, thus increasing production costs. With low protein diets,
chickens would take more time to grow, and could be at a higher risk of catching diseases.
Chickens have different nutrient (feed) requirements depending on their type, age, and sex.
Rations formulated to meet nutrient requirements produce faster growing, and healthier chickens,
and thus better products and more profits (Dr. M. Farran, personal communication, 2009).
Excess dietary nutrients are often excreted in the feces. The excess nitrogen and phosphorus
in feces could cause a threat to the environment. For this reason, managing feed formulas for
accuracy is an important step in the poultry farm management to safeguard the environment, and
reduce operating costs (Karcher, 2009).

Disease Management
In the management of poultry farms, probably one of the most difficult phases is the
management of the newly introduced flock. For the operation to be profitable, a good disease
prevention program should be available for the  newly introduced chicks to avoid any future
losses. Diseases can be transmitted via humans, other birds, newly introduced chicks, or
contaminated equipment. Controlling diseases from the beginning is important for the success of
the operation (Mobley and Kahan, 2007).7


Vaccination is an effective way to reduce the negative effects of diseases that can cause
losses in a poultry operation. Diseases can be caused by viruses, mycoplasma, bacteria, fungi,
protozoa, and parasites. Viruses are the number one cause of poultry disease and are considered
to be the largest threat to poultry farms. Viral diseases can be reduced by proper sanitation on the
farm, biosecurity measures, and vaccination of the chicks and chickens (Dr. M. Farran, personal
communication, 2009).
Viruses can cause several diseases; the major ones include: Marek's disease, Newcastle
disease, infectious bronchitis, laryngotracheitis, fowl pox, fowl cholera, and avian
encephalomyelitis (Jacob et al., 1998). Vaccination is mainly done to prevent Marek’s disease,
which can infect laying hens and hence, a whole flock if the eggs are infected.
There are several vaccination methods. Some vaccines are administered via drinking water.
Others can be sprayed, whereby the spray enters the nostril or the eye to form antibodies.
Another way is by injection using an automatic syringe in the neck (Jacob et al., 1998). Chicks
are usually vaccinated between 2 to 16 weeks of age, depending on the type of vaccine and
disease. Some vaccines are marketed as mixtures to prevent more than one disease.
More vaccination methods have been developed in the United States. For example in-ovo
vaccination has made the process more labor efficient. This method vaccinates the embryo in the
egg at the hatchery; after that there isn’t any need to vaccinate again on the farm (Williams,

Slaughtering and Processing

In the final phase of the poultry operation, in both egg laying farms and meat production
farms, slaughtering has to occur. In egg production farms, older hens must be culled when egg 8
production is reduced. The hen is either sold to another farm or, more commonly slaughtered. At
the slaughtering facility, all poultry must be brought to a holding area where a good shelter with
sufficient time for rest and water are provided before slaughtering (Wholesome meat and fish
Act, 2005). Prior to slaughtering, all poultry are stunned using the correct voltage depending on
size and weight of the birds. Slaughtering should be as humane as possible, allowing blood to
drain for about 90 sec. after killing. Hot water at 82°C should be available to ease the removal of
feathers. After the feathers are removed, the bird is eviscerated, washed, and the carcass is cut
into pieces. The knives should be sanitized frequently to avoid disease transmission. After
cutting and chilling of the chicken carcass, packaging takes place at an area close to the slaughter
house. Packaged chicken meat is then stored  in refrigerators before going to the market
(Wholesome Meat and Fish (Slaughter-houses) Act, 2005).
The U.S. poultry industry was faced with opposition in 2009 when animal rights activists
questioned the slaughtering techniques used at some plants. Advanced slaughter machines are
slaughtering at a rate of 6,000 broilers an hour. Even with this high number, the world still needs
more chicken for consumption. How will market demands be met? A balance between efficient
slaughtering technique and animal welfare must be established.

Cleaning and Sanitizing

After poultry are removed from the poultry house, it must be cleaned and sanitized. The
sanitation process differs depending on the floor type and type of poultry house. Several
disinfectants can be used to clean and sanitize the poultry house. However, the disinfectant must
be chosen carefully to avoid problems with newly introduced flocks (Smith, 1999). 9
Budget Considerations
Starting a poultry farm requires start-up capital and a budget for the operations. Usually
farmers get loans from banks or other lenders for start-up costs (Rhodes et al., 2008). The startup cost of a poultry farm varies with the size, and the facilities required for the farm to run. In
2008, the average cost for a poultry broiler house in Maryland was about $10 per square foot.
This number varies depending on the design, location, equipment required, and doesn’t include
the cost of land (Rhodes et al., 2008).
The budget represents the income, fixed & variable costs, profits, and investment amounts
for the poultry farm, depending on its size. Determining these values and  using an enterprise
budgeting sheet will give the broiler producer a clear view of the operation and whether or not it
is feasible (Rhodes et al., 2008).
Start-up costs represent a substantial investment (Table 1). These costs include construction
of poultry houses, equipment within the houses, tractors and other implements, wells and water
systems, and site preparation (Rhodes et al., 2008). Usually the farmer gets a loan to cover these
initial costs. Rhodes et al. (2008) prepared an example of an enterprise budget for a broiler farm
(Table 2). The table includes the descriptions of the farm, and the total number of flocks/birds
that can be produced per year. The broiler producer can use estimates of income and costs to
estimate gross income, variable and fixed costs, leading to an estimate of the net income.
The gross income (table 2) represents the total amount of money received by the grower from the
sales of broiler meat after slaughtering. Income can also come from the sales of litter or other byproducts of the operation. 10
Table 1. An Example of Fixed Investment Costs for a Broiler Farm in Maryland, U.S.A (Rhodes et al.,2008)

Tunnel House  House 2 $179,856.14 $359,712.28
Generator, Wiring, & Alarm House 2 $22,900.00 $45,800.00
Equipment House 2 $89,391.19 $178,782.37
Site Preparation House 2 $8,500.00 $17,000.00
Tractor Loader Blade & Mower Farm 1 $35,000.00 $35,000.00
Manure Storage and Composting Shed Farm 1 $5,300.00 $5,300.00
Vegetative Shelterbelt** Farm 1 $1,300.00 $1,300.00
Well and Water System House 2 $4,400.00 $8,800.00
Stone Farm 1 $27,000.00 $27,000.00
Total Investment       $678,694.65  $10.10
*Average payment from Integrator
**Assumes cost share is obtained from NRCS

Table 2: An Example of a Farm Broiler Production Enterprise budget for a Farm with two 60’ x 560’ poultry
houses in Maryland, U.S.A. (Rhodes et al., 2008)

Grower Payments* 1000 Birds 492.8 $236.75 $116,670.4 $1.74
Litter Tons 190 $20.00 $3,800.0
Total Gross Income    $120,470.4

Electricity Flock 5.5 $2,530.00 $13,915.00
Telephone/Alarm  1 $500.00 $500.00
Supplies and Miscellaneous House 2 $2,130.00 $4,260.00
Building & Equipment Repairs House 2 $3,024.00 $6,048.00
Crust Out or Windrow Flock 5.5 $568.00 $3,124.00
House Cleanout Flock/12 0.4583 $2,130.00 $976.25
Interest on Operating Capital Year $28,823.25 6% $1,622.12
Total Variable Costs Listed Above   $30,445.37
Net Income Over Variable Costs Listed Above   $90,025.03

Owner's Labor Hours/Flock
75 $8.00
$3,300.00  $0.05
Building Depreciation Total $359,712.28  5.00%
$17,985.61  $0.27
Equipment Depreciation Total $264,882.37  6.67%
$17,667.65  $0.26
Interest on Investment AVG.
$312,303.33  9.00%
$28,107.30  $0.42
Property Taxes  
$1,344.00  $0.02
$3,360.00  $0.05
Land Charge ACRE 6 $100.00
$600.00  $0.01


Producers can encounter both variable and fixed costs. Variable costs include the cost of
electricity, equipments, house cleanout, building repairs, telephones and alarms (Table 2). Fixed
costs include the cost of labor, insurance, taxes, and land charges. With good management
practices, the grower can reduce costs, thus increasing profitability.
A cash flow statement of the poultry operation represents the total cash revenues, costs, and
required investments that will be spent on the operation (Table 3). The aim of preparing a cash
flow statement for a poultry farm is to estimate the available cash for loan payments and other
farm requirements prior to the start of the project. The poultry producer would then have a clear
idea of the revenues and costs, and can determine a payment schedule to pay back the loan
(Rhodes et al., 2008,).
The cash flow statement can also be developed for established farms, and can help in
following the cash in or out of the operation on a daily basis. The producer can monitor costs,
and work on reducing them to end up with a high positive cash flow. Net cash flow is obtained
by subtracting the total cash expenses from the total cash receipts. If the result is positive, then
the firm is considered profitable, and with that profit, the poultry producer can pay back loans,
buy poultry houses or equipment or use the cash for other farm or personal expenses.
To do a feasibility study for a poultry farm, the purpose of the farm should be clear because
this affects equipment required, water requirements, and the type of waste management system
that will be used.  When estimating costs for establishing and running the business, the poultry
producer should consider potential extremes in costs, in addition to current costs.
A feasibility study conducted by “The Center for Agricultural Development &
Entrepreneurship” in Oneonta in NY (no date), compares several options that a poultry producer  13
Table 3. An example of a farm broiler production cash flow in Maryland, U.S.A. (Rhodes et al., 2008)
TWO HOUSES 60' X 560'          

Grower Payments* 1000 Birds 492.8 $268.75 $132,440.00  $1.97
Litter Tons 190 $20.00 $3,800.00  $0.06
Total Cash Receipts $136,240.00  $2.03

Electricity FLOCK 5.5 $2,530.00 $13,915.00  $0.21
Telephone/Alarm  1 $500.00 $500.00  $0.01
Supplies and Miscellaneous HOUSE 2 $2,688.00 $5,376.00  $0.08
Building & Equipment Repairs HOUSE 2 $3,024.00 $6,048.00  $0.09
Crust Out or Windrow FLOCK 5.5 $568.00 $3,124.00  $0.05
House Cleanout FLOCK/12 0.4583 $2,130.00 $976.25  $0.01
Interest on Operating Capital YEAR $29,939.25 9% $2,514.53  $0.04
Property Taxes YEAR 1  $1,344.00  $0.02
Insurance YEAR 1  $3,360.00  $0.05

TOTAL CASH EXPENSES  $37,157.78  $0.55
NET CASH FLOW $99,082.22  $1.47
Mortgage Payment 15 YEARS ANNUAL
8% $74,071.00 $1.10
Equipment Payment - Tractor,
Loader, Blade, Mower
6% $7,194.00 $0.11

*Guaranteed payment from Integrator
might consider when starting a poultry investment. Table 4 summarizes the feasibility of an onfarm processing unit versus processing at the USDA facility in Delaware County. The total cost
of processing at the USDA processing facility is less than processing on farm for poultry
producers raising 5000 and 10,000 poultry units per year (Table 4). However, it would be
feasible to process on farm for producers raising 20,000 or more poultry units per year, where the
transportation cost to the USDA facility would outweigh the costs of constructing an on-farm
facility (The Center for Agricultural Development & Entrepreneurship, nd).
Table 5 is a projected income statement for a feasibility study of a broiler farm done by the
Small and Medium Enterprise Development Authority, of the Government of Pakistan (2002).
The study was based on raising 7,500 birds at the farm, taking into consideration farm rental
costs and all other fixed and variable costs.
The projected income for 10 years on a meat producing farm in Pakistan increases over time
(Table 5). The profit (after taxes) for year one in the Pakistani currency, Rupee, is 183,047Rs or
$2,178.6. As the farm grows, the projected net profit also increases. In general, larger farms have
decreased cost on a per bird basis. All costs vary depending on management, and thus profits
vary with management practices. The same generalization would also  apply to egg producing
With an ever increasing human population, the demand for poultry should continue to grow.
Well managed poultry operations should be profitable in this environment.


Feed for broilers varies according to age.  The percentage ingredients differ between the
starter, grower, and finisher feeds. However, the ingredients in all feeds used were corn, soya,
sish granule, mono di-calcium, broiler pre-mix, methionine, lysine, enzymes, coline, coxi, salt,
stone granules, and soya oil.
Starter feed was used for chicks between the age of 1 and 10 days. For this study, a total of 1
ton of starter feed was used at a cost of $507/ton. Grower feed was used for chicks between the
age of 11 and 28 days. The amount used was 7 tons at a cost of $475/ton. The finisher feed was
used for chicks between the age of 29 and 50 days. The amount used was 6 tons at a cost of
$435/ton. The variation in feed quantities was related to chick size and growth stage. The
conversion of feed differs between the three levels of growth, with broilers in the growth phase
consuming more of the grower feed as compared to the other feeds.
Four vaccines were used throughout the grow-out: B1, Gamboro, Gamboro Stress, and
Clone. Vaccine B1 was applied to the chicks at 7 days of age; Gamboro was applied at the age of
12 days, and Gamboro Stress at the age of 22 days. Clone was applied at three stages, at the age
of 18, 27, and 35 days. The cost of vaccine B1 was $6, Gamboro $9, Gamboro Stress $16, and
Clone $23 (this is the per flock costs of vaccines).
The flock was ready for slaughter at an age of 46 days on December 20
, 2009, as per market
requirements. Broilers were moved in plastic cages into the holding area of the slaughter house at
different times, depending on the speed of slaughtering. The slaughtering method was traditional,
following accepted Islamic slaughtering practices. 19
 The whole flock took four days to be slaughtered, and the total slaughtering cost was $550.
This cost was primarily labor, since machines were not involved (except for the feather removal
Packaging and Refrigerating
After slaughtering, the chickens were cleaned and moved into the cutting and packaging area.
They were then placed in plastic bags, weighed, marked, and sent to the refrigerators. Packaging
cost was mainly for the cost  of the plastic bags which was $100/flock. The labor cost for
packaging was included in the total labor cost for slaughtering.
Cleaning and Sanitizing the Poultry House
With the removal of the broilers from the poultry house, all that remained was the chicken
litter and the wood chips that initially furnished the poultry house. The feeders and drinkers were
moved outside the poultry house to be cleaned and sanitized. Excess feed was collected in bags
and stored to be fed later to finishers in the next flock. The litter was removed with a skid-steer
loader at a rental cost of $50/day.
The floor was washed and brushed to remove the excess litter and prepared for sanitization.
Quat and Virex Sanitation material (Killcone Corp.) were sprayed in the poultry house, on the
floor, walls, roof and atmosphere to kill germs that might infect future flocks. Quat sanitation
material was sprayed first. After 10 days, Virex was sprayed in the  closed poultry house to
ensure complete sanitation. The cost for the sanitation materials was $30/flock.
Throughout the whole operation of the broiler production farm, one supervisor handled the
process with a fixed lump sum salary of $500/flock. 20
Data Collection
Data on dead chicks, feed, and vaccines used, were collected on a daily basis to monitor the
flock. Data on the price/kg of meat for the years 2007, 2008, 2009, were obtained from the local
market, through checking the historical data  of the market places in Marjoyoun area. Chick
prices were obtained from the historical data of the chick supplier, and average feed prices were
obtained from the owners of the rental farm who had data for the past 15 years.
Forecasting for 2010 for the three main factors contributing to overall profit of the business,
cost/chick, cost/ton of feed, and price/kg of meat, followed different procedures depending on
historical data for 2007 to 2009.
Cost/chick historical data showed seasonal changes in the prices, where prices rose to a peak
in March and April, dropped, and then rose again in August and September. This seasonal rise in
prices is just before the high seasons in the summer holiday and Christmas and New Year’s
holiday. With this clear seasonality, the classical decomposition model was used to forecast data
for 2010. This technique isolates the trend, cyclical, and seasonal components, and forecasts
them separately (Lawrence, and Pasternack, 2002).
Historical data for feed costs showed that a stationary model was appropriate for forecasting
feed cost for 2010. Regression analysis was also tried, but a P-value (P = 0.718985) greater than
the value of alpha (0.05) was obtained indicating that there was little evidence that a linear trend
exists. Therefore, the weighted moving average technique was used to forecast feed costs for
2010, using the weights for four periods (0.1, 0.3, 0.1, & 0.5) following historical data.
The price/kg of meat historical data showed that a linear trend exists. To further prove this
theory, Regression analysis was used, giving a P-value of 3.99 x 10
, which is much smaller that 21
the level of significance (α = 0.05), proving that a Linear Regression forecasting model was
appropriate for this data set.  
Sensitivity analysis was conducted based on the peak market prices of each of the three profit
contributors following simple calculations (Total Sales – Total Costs). Sensitivity analysis was
calculated separately for each factor and for the worst-case scenario of all three factors.
All calculations and analysis were done using Microsoft Excel
Results & Discussion
Production Costs
This poultry farm feasibility study was  conducted following traditional methods of
production. Daily records were kept throughout the project; these records included the daily
chick deaths, vaccination, and feed used for the flock (Table 6). The initial start-up costs for this
operation included the cost of purchasing the chicks, and the cost of preparing the poultry house
for the flock. The cost of one chick was $0.55. The capacity of the rented poultry house was
3060 birds, so the total cost was $1,683. The preparation cost was $270, which covered the cost
of wood chips that furnished the floor and gas for heaters during cold nights. Each poultry house
needs one laborer to manage the flock. In this study, the agreement with the laborer was for $500
per flock. One laborer can look after more than one poultry house, and needs a maximum of two
hours a day to finish their work in each poultry house. Therefore, a laborer can earn triple the
money if they agree to handle three flocks at a time.
Table 7 summarizes the main costs for this broiler farm operation. The cost per chick was
$0.55, but it could vary between a minimum of $0.40 and maximum of $0.75, depending on the
market. Four vaccines were used, with a total cost of $54. Although the cost of vaccines was not
significant with respect to the profitability of the project, the use of vaccines can save the farm
from major losses associated with disease.
Feeding costs represented the major cost in this poultry operation. Feed varied throughout the
operation according to chick age.  Each feed type consisted of  different ratios of ingredients
which affected the feed cost. The grower feed was used in the largest quantity, constituting the
highest cost of feed (Table 7). Starter feed was the most expensive per ton due to its high protein
content. The total cost of feed for the project was $6,442. This value may vary depending on the 23
Table 6. Daily record of poultry farm operations for a poultry farm in South Lebanon, 2009
Total in 3060 Date in : 5/11/2009    
(days)  Deaths Vaccine Feed
(days)  Deaths Vaccine  Feed
1 2   Starter     26 1     Grower
2 4   Starter     27 2 Clone  Grower
3 7   Starter     28 1     Grower
4 4   Starter     29 2     Finisher
5 4   Starter     30 2     Finisher
6 2   Starter     31 4     Finisher
7 1 B1 Starter     32 1     Finisher
8 1   Starter     33 0     Finisher
9 1   Starter     34 3     Finisher
10 1   Starter     35 0 Clone  Finisher
11 3   Grower    36 0 Finisher
12 2 Gamboro Grower    37 1     Finisher
13 1   Grower    38 3     Finisher
14 0   Grower    39 3     Finisher
15 1   Grower    40 1     Finisher
16 0   Grower    41 1     Finisher
17 1   Grower    42 2     Finisher
18 0 Clone Grower    43 1     Finisher
19 1   Grower    44 0 Finisher
20 1   Grower    45 4     Finisher
21 2   Grower    46 2 Finisher
22 1 Gamboro Stress Grower    47 1     Finisher
23 6   Grower    48 2     Finisher
24 3   Grower    49 1     Finisher
25 1   Grower    50 1 Finisher
              Total Deaths 89
              Total Out 2971
      Date Out : 25/12/2009      
Table 7. Cash flow for the broiler production farms representing the major
costs, income, and net profit.  The farm was located in South Lebanon, 2009.
   Cost Per Flock
Cost of chicks ($0.55 per chick)  $1,683
Poultry house preparation cost   $270
Cost of labor  $500
Cost of poultry house rental  $500
      B1  $6
      Gamboro  $9
      Gamboro Stress  $16
      Cole  $23
Total vaccine cost $54
      Starter (1 ton at $507/ton)  $507
      Grower (7 tons at $475/ton)  $3,325
      Finisher (6 tons at $435/ton)  $2,610
Total feed cost $6,442
Cleaning and sanitation
      Skid-steer loader rental Cost $50
      Sanitation Material Cost $30
      Other Machinery Cost $0
Total Cleaning & Sanitizing Cost $80
Other Costs
Slaughtering Cost $550
Packaging Cost $100
Electric Cost                                                             $300
Total Costs  $10,639
Sale of chicken meat (4428 kg at $3.10/kg) $13,726.80
Net Profit $3,247.80
management practices followed throughout the operation to reduce feed losses. The price is also
affected by market prices, with variation of about 10%, to a maximum of 15%.
Post-Production Costs
Other costs of the broiler operation were the slaughtering and packaging costs. Slaughtering
was done over a period of four days. The laborers were hired for slaughtering and packaging
with a lump sum price of $550 per flock. They were given the flexibility to finish slaughtering in
one day, but the traditional Islamic way of slaughtering was used, therefore the slaughtering took
four days to finish, including packaging and storing the meat in the refrigerators. The labor cost
for packaging was included in the slaughtering cost. However, the cost of plastic bags for
packaging was $100 for one flock. The electric cost for refrigeration was $300 per flock for one
month storage. Depending on the speed of sales and the market requirements, the electric cost
could be reduced if the meat products are sold within 3 weeks or less.
Cleaning & sanitation are two  important steps in the broiler production operation. The
poultry house was cleaned after the flock was removed. A skid-steer loader was rented for one
day at a cost of $50 /day (Table 7). After cleaning, sanitation material was sprayed in the poultry
house to remove germs. The cost of sanitation material was $30. If a broiler producer uses other
machinery such as cleaning brush machine, then the total cost would be higher. Waste removal
with a skid-steer loader was the least expensive method. The laborer taking care of the flock also
took care of cleaning (labor cost included in the $500 total labor cost).
Poultry meat from the study was sold on a kilogram basis. The flock produced a total of
4,428 kg, and the price of meat was $3.10/kg. Therefore, the total sales of poultry meat were 26
$13,726.80. Subtracting the total costs ($10,479) from the total sales, the net profit was
$3,247.80. Therefore, under conditions of this study, the broiler operation was profitable.
Sensitivity Analysis
Sensitivity analysis was used to examine profitability under high cost circumstances, as well
as forecasts of likely future movements in costs and revenues. If the price/chick rose to its
maximum of $0.75/chick, the cost/flock would  become $2,295, and thus the net profit would
become $2,635.8 (Table 8). Therefore, increases in chick prices would reduce net income, but
the operation would still be profitable, assuming other costs remained constant.
If the price of feed increases  to 15% above the current prices,  then the total  cost of feed
would become $7,408.3. Assuming a stable price per chick of $0.55, net profit would be
$2,281.8, which is still profitable (Table 8).
Assuming the price per kilogram of meat dropped to its minimum of $2.80/kg, and the costs
remained at current levels, then net sales  will be $12,398.4 and the net profit would become
$1,919.4 (Table 8).
Now, taking the worst case scenario, where the cost/chick is at its maximum $0.75/chick, the
feed cost is 15% higher than normal, and the price per kilogram of meat is at its minimum of
$2.80/kg, then the total cost per flock would be $12,057. The total sales would be $12,398.40
(Table 8). Subtracting costs from sales, the net profit would be $341/flock, which would be
considered a break-even operation.  It  is  rare  to  have  costs  and meat prices at these extreme
levels. With proper management, the costs could be reduced, increasing  profitability of the
business. 27
Table 8. Sensitivity analysis examining the effect of increasing the cost per chick, the cost of
feed, and reducing the prices for chicken meat.
Feed Costs
Meat Prices
Number of Broilers 3,060 3,060 3,060 3,060
Cost/chick $0.75 $0.55 $0.55 $0.75
Cost/flock $2,295 $1,683 $1,683 $2,295
Poultry house preparation cost   $270 $270 $270 $270
Fixed labor cost/P.H.  $500 $500 $500 $500
Rental cost  $500 $500 $500 $500
Total vaccination cost $54 $54 $54 $54
Total feed cost $6,442 $7,408 $6,442 $7,408
Slaughtering Cost  $550 $550 $550 $550
Packaging cost $100 $100 $100 $100
Total cleaning & sanitizing cost $80 $80 $80 $80
Electric Cost $300 $300 $300 $300
Price per kg of meat $3.10 $3.10 $2.8 $2.8
Sales $13,726.80 $13,726.8 $12,398.4 $12,398.4
Net Profit $2,635.80 $2,281.8 $1,919.4 $341.4 28
Historical Prices and Forecasts for 2010
Looking at historical data on price per chick in Lebanon (Figure 2), one can see that the price
of chicks vary from $0.20 to $0.75 depending on the season. The classical decomposition model
was used to forecast chick prices for 2010. However, comparing forecasted prices to the actual
prices for the beginning of 2010 (Table 9) shows that prices for day-old chicks has increased
beyond forecasted prices due to increased market demand from neighboring countries.
Prices of chicks would be expected to reach their maximum in March and April, and then
drop back to lower prices in May, with a second increase in the prices in the month of October
(Table 9). However, with the fluctuating market and increased demand, the actual prices are
increasing, but without exceeding the maximum prices ($0.75/Chick) used in the sensitivity
analysis. Chick prices are expected to drop back to normal by May 2010, as the demand on
chicks begins to decrease, and as new hatcheries are constructed in neighboring countries.
Variation in the average cost of feed didn’t follow any seasonality (Figure 3). Instead, it
fluctuates with market variations and political situations. However, in 2009, there was some
seasonality, when cost increased approximately every three months.
Plotting the trend line for feed costs over time (Figure 3) shows that there is a little evidence
that a linear trend exists. Linear regression analysis showed that there was no significant linear
trend (P= 0.719, Table 10). Therefore, a stationary model with the weighted moving average
technique was used to forecast feed costs for 2010.
Actual feed costs for 2010 were higher than forecasted costs in January, February, and April
but lower in March (Table 9). Therefore, it is  difficult to predict the cost/ton of feed due to
external political factors as well as market variations. However, what can be predicted from  29
Figure 2. Price of chicks in Lebanon, for 2007 to 2009 (Data collected on April 3
, 2010)
Table 9.  Forecasted prices of chicks, feed, and chicken meat for 2010, compared to actual
prices for January through April of 2010.

Price per Chick  Feed price per ton  Price per kg of Meat
Forecast Actual  Forecast Actual  Forecast Actual
January $0.28 $0.59  $356.50 $390  $3.29 $3.10
February $0.31 $0.69  $371.15 $420  $3.30 $3.15
March $0.54 $0.74  $377.10 $340  $3.31 $3.10
April $0.65 $0.74  $374.70 $390  $3.33 $3.20
May $0.44  N/A  $365.96 N/A  $3.34 N/A
June  $0.38  N/A  $372.30 N/A  $3.36 N/A
July $0.32  N/A  $373.04 N/A  $3.37 N/A
August $0.44  N/A  $372.90 N/A  $3.39 N/A
September $0.49  N/A  $369.41 N/A  $3.40 N/A
October $0.55  N/A  $372.26 N/A  $3.42 N/A
November $0.53 N/A  $371.86 N/A  $3.43 N/A
December $0.38  N/A  $372.26 N/A  $3.44 N/A
2007 2008 2009
Figure 3. Cost per ton of chicken feed in Lebanon, for 2007 to 2009 (Data collected on April 3
, 2010)
Table 10. Regression Analysis for Cost/ton of feed for 2007, 2008, & 2009 data
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 406.5048 28.69728 14.16527 7.99E-16
Month 0.490734 1.352552 0.36282 0.718985
2007 2008 2009
Cost / Ton31
reviewing the historical data is that the cost/ton of feed stays within a range that keeps the cost of
feed low enough to maintain high profits.
The price/kg of meat didn’t follow any seasonal change; it fluctuated with market changes
(Figure 4). However, regression analysis showed that a linear trend over time exists (P = 3.99 x
, Table 11).
Comparing forecasted data for 2010 to actual data per kg of meat (Table 9), one can see that
the forecasted prices are a bit higher than the actual prices. However, with the actual prices at a
higher value than the expected, it compensates for the higher cost/chick, maintaining
Sensitivity analysis was done using the forecast prices for 2010. The lowest price/ kg of meat
and highest costs of chicks and feed from either forecasted or actual data for 2010 were used in
this analysis. The cost/chick was assumed to be $0.75, the  feed cost/ton was assumed to be
$420/ton or $5,880 (14 tons @ $420/ton) for the 3,060 chicks, and the price per kilogram of meat
was assumed to be $3.10/kg.
Considering this worst-case scenario for 2010, a net profit of $3,197.8/flock should be
possible, assuming other all other costs remain constant (Table 12). This net profit was compared
to that of September 2008 which had a peak cost for feed. The cost/chick was replaced by its
maximum limit ($0.75), price/kg of meat was assumed to be $3.55/kg, and feed cost of $630/ton
or ($8,820 for 3060 chicks) was used. The net profit under these conditions would be $2,250.4
(Table 12). 32
Figure 4. Price of chicken meat per kg in Lebanon, for 2007 to 2009 (Data collected on April 3
, 2010)
Table 11. Regression Analysis for the Price/kg of meat for 2007, 2008, & 2009 data
  Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 2.757222 0.055385 49.783 2.34201E-33
Month 0.014324 0.00261 5.487444 3.9952E-06
2007 2008 2009
Price / kg33
Table 12.  Net profit with extreme prices for 2010 & Maximum Cost/chick with 2008 data
        Extreme Prices for 2010   Maximum Cost/chick & 2008 data
# of Broilers     3,060   3,060
Cost/chick $0.75  $0.75
Cost/flock $2,295.00  $2,295
P.H. Preparation Cost $270.00  $270
Fixed labor Cost/P.H. $500.00  $500
Rental Cost $500.00  $500
Total Vaccination Cost $54.00  $54
Total Feed Cost $5,880  $8,820
Slaughtering Cost $550.00   $550
Packaging Cost $100.00  $100
Total Cleaning & Sanitizing
Cost $80.00  $80
Electric Cost $300.00  $300
Total Weight Obtained  $4,428.00  $4,428
Price/Kg  $3.10  $3.55
Sales  $13,726.80  $15,719
Profit           $3,197.80     $2,250  34
This study shows that the broiler business in Lebanon is profitable assuming variation in
prices of chicks, feed, and price/kg of meat remain within reasonable levels, while all other costs
are fixed. Even when the cost of feed is high, the price/kg of meat could be above the average,
compensating for the high costs of the operation. Also when the cost/chick is high, the feed cost
could be low, compensating for the initial high cost per flock. Sensitivity analysis in this study
has shown that even if chick and feed costs are high while meat prices drop, the poultry farm
would still break even.
A poultry farm investment focusing on broiler production is a relatively easy business to run.
The fluctuating prices tend to compensate for each other for a positive net profit. However, if a
worst-case scenario of low prices of meat/kg and high prices  of feed and chicks occur, good
management practices would be critical to maintain profitability.

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